there is nothing like capturing a moment you deem interesting, and reliving them long after it's gone. for this trip, no way am i gonna head out without a camera.
two months ago, these are only my criteria for buying one:
a. it should adequately document my trip (any camera would've sufficed);
it doesn't have to be a high-end dslr or anything high-tech;
i'm technologically inept anyways.
i haven't touched an SLR in years. amature!
b. (more importantly) it should have an optional hardcase, when i go diving
(so people can actually relate when i tell them about
the turtles and the jacks i see in my dives)
for weeks, my eyes were set on a canon's a compact camera w a taste of dslr, but i found its bulkiness a turnoff and a target for "nimble hands."
then i saw something slimmer and it would fit in my pocket more, a canon's a compact camera w a manual option.
but when my ever-dependable roomie and i went to the shop to make my purchase, my eye fell on a panasonic lumix TZ7, and right next to it is its doesn't have manual option, but i don't think i'll need it in my trip and my future dives.what i need more, is a super zoom and hd video.which it has.
and, the hardcase is here and very available for my next purchase.
so i said bye-bye to something close to 20g's and said hi to my new toy. i can't wait to try it out.
but that's only one part of my story.
tomorrow, i'm gonna see the world with new eyes.
i've grown tired of wearing contact lenses all the time, and fumbling for my eyeglasses every morning; i had to worry about replacing my contacts every few months to avoid eye infection. i had to replace my broken ultra-thin glasses lots of times, so now i switched to a photo-chromic plastic ones, which made me look a dorky librarian. a few months ago, my opthalmologist told me that blood vessels have developed on the surface of my eyeballs from wearing contacts too much, which caused my eyes to redden after a few hours of wearing them.
my options are:
1) learn to love the dorky librarian look
2) suck up and endure the hours of agony while wearing contacts
3) try lasik
lasik is basically a minor eye operation where laser vaporizes corneal tissue to correct my vision. and yeah, they use a razor blade to cut a flap on my eye (wtf right?).
the 1st doctor i asked was against my having it before my trip, just in case my eye is hit and the flap gets dislodged. i decided to get a 2nd opinion, and the doctor told me that it's safe to have it now.
best time is now.i mean tomorrow.i'm gonna have lasik tomorrow.
the next time my friends are gonna see me, i won't be wearing glasses. :) and i'll be doing this trip without glasses or contacts. yahoo!!!! :D